Sunday, November 30, 2008

Website Critique #3

Website Critique #3
Navigation: This website was difficult for me to navigate through. The different locations that someone can click on and travel through are very small and I didn’t see them at first. In order to help someone navigate through a website, the different options should be clearly stated and visible. There wasn’t any kind of metaphor used on this website; it was very plain and simple. The transitions between each part of the site were eye catching, but nothing else that helped to understand the site.
Information Architecture: The information on this website makes sense; it just isn’t organized in a way that is easily understandable. The content is somewhat lost from the homepage. Each individual page is organized well, but it is difficult to actually get to those pages. The content is organized by category: About, Video, Cast and Crew, etc. The hierarchy does not help on this site; I wanted to click on things that didn’t have a link.
Usability: this site is easy to use once the viewer gets past the homepage. Navigation and information architecture make this website difficult to understand and use. Overall this site doesn not sustain my interest and doesn’t keep me engage with the material.
Meaning-Making: (Narrative and Metaphoric Structures) I don’t know what the designer’s goal was with this specific website, but it is not clear at all. There wasn’t any kind of story or metaphor in this website, it just seems like a bunch or pages thrown together.
Reflection of the User: this site had no reflection on me. It didn’t change according to my specific visit and I didn’t receive any mouse feedback or text feedback. None of my choices were stored and I lost any engagement I might have had when I entered the site.
Transparency of Design: The design of this site leads me to pay more attention to the content because the actually layout is confusing. The site doesn’t feel natural at all and the design is completely forgotten. The transparency of the design doesn’t make any sense to the layout of a movie promotion at all.

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